Joy was getting a little tedious, and I'm glad our correspondence is over. What surprised me, though, was how many of you guys have had run-ins with the Bradley-Derrick crew in various cities. Do they really end up scamming people into giving them money? This is what I say we do. Email or with the subject line "interested in your apartment" and then put this smiling kitten in the body of the email:

Please play! And if you do, leave a comment so we know how many folks did it.
And now I send you thank you best regards. It is my sadness to say goodbye to last one chapter. Best luck for apartment search to everyone sincere and kindness!
smiling kitten sent from various email accounts! :)
smiling kitten sent from various email accounts here too.
Just sent them a smiling kitten :)
I stumbled across them while looking for an apartment on the Istanbul Craigslist.
another smiling kitty on its way!
another kitten from dublin ireland on the way to them and a copy of mathew 7.12!
I mailed about it, but never sended them any money so.. Lucky me. Bastards!
Hello! Found you randomly while trying to figure out if a particular craigslist ad in Victoria BC was a scam. Loved reading your posts about it. I've sent the scammers the smiling kitty. :-)
Hey, thanks for the posts! I just ran into the scam while trying to find a place in Vancouver and got to your blog after a quick Google search. Great series of posts! And yes, they got a kitty from me too.
smiling kitty sent, with a french comment...
DeAnne come to Tasmania (Hobart) we will love you down here! Even if you dont for a show get in contact and I will show you around the green state!
LOVED you on GNW! Fantastic!
Too funny!!!
Just seen you on Good News Week too
Will send an email off now to the lovely Joy.
Renee :D
great read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
Holy crap, I just read this saga and you know what? Sounded totally familiar. My girlfriend actually got into the exact same thing a few months ago (fortunately she didn't fall for it). So apparently the 'Derrick's are still in the game 3 years on and have migrated over to the Sydney websites... I guess its a lucrative scam?
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