Just like the popular glossy magazines, I've compiled a "What's Hot and What's Not" list, based on recent trends in my life.
DeAnne Smith's December: Totally Hip & Totally Skip!
Totally Hip! A sleeping-bag-like winter coat
Totally Skip! The appearance of a normal, human-shaped body
Totally Hip! Long underwear
Totally Skip! Remaining sweat-free in the metro
Totally Hip! Mittens
Totally Skip! Use of hands
Totally Hip! Hooded sweatshirt
Totally Skip! That other hooded sweatshirt
Totally Hip! Eating anchovies on toast
Totally Skip! Getting within 3 feet of humans with a sense
of smell
Totally Hip! Playing the ukulele
Totally Skip! Feeling in the tips of my fingers
Totally Hip! Spending money on ukulele-related paraphernalia
Totally Skip! Paying rent on time
Totally Hip! Watching season 5 of The Sopranos on DVD
Totally Skip! Meeting writing deadlines
Totally Hip! Questioning own sense of humor
Totally Skip! Carefree and innocent love of laughter
Totally Hip! Late nights
Totally Skip! More than 1 1/2 hours of sunlight a day
Totally Hip! Making Christmas presents
Totally Skip! Like, money and its capitalist trappings, man!
Totally Hip! Constant unnecessary worry about if my hair looks weird or not
Totally Skip! Whatever the opposite of that would be (Because I have no idea!)
Totally Hip! Learning about the Christian Quiverfull movement
Totally Skip! Sleeping peacefully at night
And that's how December's breaking down in DeAnne land! Stay hip, kids!